Choosing Your PathΒΆ

Your party will be faced with either one or two doors when you complete a room.

If there is one path (i.e. len(options.keys()) == 1), the only way you can go is forward by returning (Direction.forward) in the (Client.room_choice()) method.

def room_choice(self, units, options):
    if len(options.keys()) == 1:
        # there is only one door, may as well go through it
        # the only way is forward.
        return Direction.forward

If there are two doors (i.e. len(options.keys() == 2), you can go left or right by returning Direction.left or Direction.Right.

import random

def room_choice(self, units, options):
    if len(options.keys()) == 2:
        # there are two directions we can go.
        # Let's choose a random one. 
        # **Note:** Don't ever do anything random in practice you will regret it.
        return random.choice([Direction.left, Direction.right])

You can also examine the room object with options[Direction.right] or options[Direction.left] in order to look at its properties.

def room_choice(self, units, options):
    if len(options.keys()) == 2:
        right = options[Direction.right]
        # the variable "right" now holds a room object.
        # Below we will discuss room objects.

Before you look at the properties on the room object you will first want to determine what kind of room it is, to do this you can do following:

def room_choice(self, units, options):
    if len(options.keys()) == 2:
        right = options[Direction.right]
        left = options[Direction.left]
        if right.node_type ==
            monster =
            # Reference for monster properties
        elif right.node_type == NodeType.trap:
            trap = right.trap
            # Reference for trap properties.

In total there are three kinds of rooms:

  • Monster Rooms
    • When you enter a monster room, the client will call Client.combat_round()
  • Trap Rooms
    • When you enter a trap room, the client will call Client.trap_round()
  • Towns
    • When you enter a town, the client will call